
Expat Life

Almost Diplomatic - Maisons du Monde - Berlin - Furniture - Decor - Germany - Schlosstraße - Shopping - Home - Diplomat's Wife - Diplowife
in Berlin, Berlin Home, Berlin Shopping, Expat Life

Maisons du Monde’s Berlin Store

The best thing about moving into a new apartment is always that fresh start. Along with it comes the chance to decorate your new space. We move every couple of years due to my husband’s job and while moving is always stressful, decorating our new home is always something I look forward to. There’s something so exciting about looking for new places to get your decor in your new city. Here in Berlin, there’s no shortage of such stores – both online and offline – but one of my favourites has got to be Maisons du Monde.

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Almost Diplomatic - Hard Water - Berlin - Skincare - Acne - Hair - Berlin - Expat Life - Living in Berlin - Hard Water in Berlin
in Beauty, Beauty & Fashion, Berlin, Expat Life, Skincare, Video

VIDEO: Is Hard Water Causing/Aggravating Your Breakout?

One of the things that really shocked me when we moved to Berlin was the water quality. Don’t get me wrong. It’s healthy enough for infants and has lots of minerals which are good for you. However, those said minerals weren’t so kind to my skin and hair.

If you recently moved to a place with hard water and you noticed that your skin is dry and worse, breaking out, hard water may be one of the culprits. You can also attribute hair fall as well as limp strands and oily scalp to it.

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Almost Diplomatic - Café Maître Münch - Berlin - Berlin Cafe - Maitre Muench - Germany - Brunch - Kaffee und Kuchen - Diplomat's Wife - Diplowife - 25-1
in Berlin, Berlin Food, Expat Life

Berlin Eats: Café Maître Münch

On Valentine’s day, I found myself dateless. Work, my husband’s ever demanding mistress, got this year yet again. Almost every other year, my husband and I are apart for this Hallmark holiday. Some conferences he needs to attend are usually scheduled around it. Even when we were in Manila and Kuala Lumpur. This time around, it was the Munich Security Conference. Not one to pass up on an excuse have cake after a meal, I decided to take myself on a date with Juancho, our corgi who recently turned one. I then had a double celebration situation. So, we made our way to one of the cafés I’ve been dying to try in our neighbourhood but haven’t gotten around to doing so: Café Maître Münch.

Almost Diplomatic - Café Maître Münch - Berlin - Berlin Cafe - Maitre Muench - Germany - Brunch - Kaffee und Kuchen - Diplomat's Wife - Diplowife - 25-1

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11 Things You Should Know About Having a Dog in Berlin, Germany - Almost Diplomatic - Corgi - Juancho the Corgi - Dogs of Berlin - Pet Owners - Owning a Dog - Pet - Haustier
in Berlin, Expat Life, Pets in Berlin, Uncategorized, Video

VIDEO: 11 Things You Should Know About Having a Dog in Germany

Finally coming out with this one! I’ve been wanting to put together a video about having a dog in Germany and now it’s finally here. It’s so different from how we do it in Asia and the rest of the world so I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who was surprised when they heard about these things the first time. There are rules, taxes, and even insurance!

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Almost Diplomatic - Balanced Life - Practical Tips - Minimalism - Tidy Living - Diplomat's Wife - Diplowife - Practical Living- 1
in Berlin, Berlin Home, Expat Life

Video: 11 Tips for Balance a.k.a. Minimalism & Tidy-Living without the Pressure

Hello, everyone and happy new year! I’m probably the last person to send that greeting out into the internet as it’s almost the end of January. And here I am, coming out with content only now. Alas, life got the best of me – from events, travelling, and down to projects. The usual shebang. I also got sick for a week! January 2019 seems like a bad time for health as so many people I know got sick as well. My husband even had to make a quick trip to Manila to tend to a family emergency (but all’s good now!). This year already feels longer than it actually is. However, despite the pretty challenging start, I think it is still a good time for a lifestyle check or shift. If you ever wondered what it’s like to live with a little less, go for tidy-living, or even give Minimalism a try, I have a video for you on how you can ease into such a new lifestyle.

My husband and I live quite a practical life without letting go of the things we love to do and enjoy having. And I think it’s something worth sharing after being asked about it so many times. If you have tips of your own, please leave them in the comments! I’d love to learn more about you guys and pick up new things.

See you guys again soon!

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Holiday Gifts for the Diplomat in Your Life
in Berlin Shopping, Diplomatic Incidents, How-Tos

Holiday Gifts for the Diplomat in Your Life

A couple of friends have told me before that giving gifts to a diplomat is pretty tricky. “What is it exactly that they do, even?” is a question I often get asked a lot about my husband and his colleagues. “We need to know so we know what to give him/her for ____*insert occasion here*___.” This marks the beginning of my lengthy explanation which covers almost everything I learned while being a Foreign Affairs journalist. Contrary to popular belief, gifts for the diplomat in your life are quite easy to find.

To make things more fun, I asked some friends in the field as to what they would love to receive for the holidays. Here, I’ve put together a list that can fit any budget and you can get online. It’s a week before Christmas and I know some of you are not up for braving the holiday crowd. I’m the exact opposite but I’ll tell you why in another post (either here or social media). This time, however, everything will be available online so all you have to do is get your credit card ready.

I’ll also have options both for my readers in US and Germany. Disclaimer: Most links are powered by Amazon affiliates which gives me a commission every time you buy something. This is of no cost to you and helps me keep running Almost Diplomatic. Enjoy! 🙂


Entertaining is never complete without a drink or two. So, giving your diplomat friends a bottle of booze to replenish their stash is always a safe bet. Our friend Michel from the US was actually quick to reply that this is one gift he’d be glad to receive this Christmas. He’s someone who throws a mean party that everyone enjoys so this actually comes as no surprise. Everyone who was at his last Cinco de Mayo celebration is still talking about it so we should trust him on this. 

Learn their preference or make it more interesting by getting them something that’s from your country (assuming that you’re someone who’s of a different nationality as your diplomat friend). If you’re planning on giving Champagne, check out my friend Tamas’ Champagne Therapy website for some really good deals. 

It’s no secret that diplomats travel a lot for work and these Carry On Cocktail Kits will definitely be helpful to that friend who’s still an anxious flier despite his job. Getting through major turbulence or even the stress of having to go through airport security are also things they would never get used to. So a pick-me-up should be a welcomed gift.

Holiday Gifts for the Diplomat in Your Life

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For that diplomat who is the usual host and serves up a mean Old Fashioned, why not something they can keep and use every time they host you? These mixology sets are not only useful, but they would also look good at any home bar.

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Kitchen and Dining Items

I have mixed feelings over Edward VIII or the Duke of Windsor after his abdication. However, there’s a quote attributed to him and was recently used on an episode of The Crown which resonated with me ever since I stumbled upon it on an old magazine. He once said that the most practical form of diplomacy is actually entertaining. 

Friendships, negotiations, and even networking are done best over good food and drink. Since we’ve covered alcohol by this point, let’s go over kitchen and dining. Our friend Ralf, who’s currently posted in Spain, is a spectacular host and prefers to receive such gifts this season. 

You’ll never go wrong by giving a high-quality Chef’s Knife. People who don’t have them yet will thank you for it and those who already have one (or two) can always use another one. It’s the most versatile knife in the kitchen and anyone who loves to cook will find it useful.

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Speaking of versatility, another thing people could always use is a skillet. For all those one-pan recipes that all people do when the day gets a little too busy. 

Holiday Gifts for the Diplomat in Your Life

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Another thing that’s essential to a diplomat’s entertaining arsenal is good a charcuterie or cheese board. Who doesn’t love good cheese, cured meats, and wine? You? Err. Thank you, next.

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There’s nothing quite like a well-thought-of book as a gift. It’s both professional and somehow personal (without going overboard) at the same time. Our friend Raisa who, aside from being a diplomat herself takes such gorgeous photos which you can find on her Instagram, says that she loves getting books about another country or a historical event. “I think in general, we love to read. So, giving us books that help us understand something about the person giving the gift would be great,” she added.

Holiday Gifts for the Diplomat in Your Life

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When we were posted in Malaysia, books were also my go-to gifts. I would spend hours at the Big Bad Wolf Sale which happens annually around the first week of December. Just in time for your Christmas shopping. 


Think diplomats just sit around all day and attend parties at night? Think again. My husband’s work schedule in November was so packed with work-trips, we hardly saw each other. Phooey. Help the diplomat in your life stay on top of his/her schedule by giving them a traditional agenda. Writing things down as opposed to entering it to a digital calendar even helps improve memory!

Oh, and for the love of all that is holy, don’t re-gift those corporate giveaway planners. That’s just too tacky.

Holiday Gifts for the Diplomat in Your Life

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For the quirkier diplomat, may I suggest a planner made by my amazingly creative friend Ivi? She uses positive psychology and lots of creative tools to help make you more productive. You can get The Hashtag HERO Planner via this link.

Travel Essentials

For all those trips they will take, they’ll need quality items that can get them from A to B. A luggage set is a great gift for a diplomat you are very close to (think significant other) and are willing to splurge for. If you’re looking for something that’s a bit friendlier to your wallet, toiletry cases as a good option. I find high quality and roomy toiletry bags as great gifts for people who travel a lot. Once you get to your destination, it makes settling down a lot easier — even if they’re just there for a few days. They also make packing up easier. Every single traveller I’ve met has appreciated such a gift. My father – a commercial real estate guy who often travels within Scandinavia for work – included. I got him one for his birthday and he was so happy with it as he always forgets to get himself one and nobody else seems to think of gifting it to him.

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A Trip Not Related to Work

If you’re dating or married to a diplomat, you already know how much they travel for work. Sometimes, you get to tag along too. However, it’s always more work and they hardly get to know the place they went to since they’re usually in a conference, a meeting, or in the middle of helping one of their citizens who’s in trouble.

Book a holiday wherein they can actually have fun at a new place without having to worry about their next schedule. (Shameless plug: Book using the widget above for some really good deals!) Let them explore something that interests him/her at his/her own pace.

Do something new. Join an unconventional tour or go on a food hunt. There are lots of options that you won’t get from a store or even off the internet.

Thanks for reading and I hope this was helpful! With that said, I hope you guys enjoy the holidays!

Do share this on Pinterest if you found this helpful! 🙂

If you have some items to add, feel free to comment below! I’m always looking for new ideas. 🙂

More later.


Graf's Kontor Shares 2018's Best Holiday Decor Trends
in Berlin, Berlin Shopping, Berlin Tips, Expat Life

Graf’s Kontor Shares 2018’s Best Holiday Decor Trends

The most wonderful time of the year is fast approaching and our flat still has zero signs of the holidays. Basically, I’m coming clean here by saying that it’s the middle of November and I haven’t decorated. Heck, I don’t even have an idea what look I’ll be going for this year. For someone who’s half Filipino, this equals to sacrilege. We start decorating in September, back in Manila. My situation is even made worse by the fact that I’m currently living in Berlin – the capital of one of the most Christmassy countries in the world. I have no excuse other than my being busy with events and my freelancing. Thankfully, I was able to get some inspiration recently when I attended the holiday preview of Graf’s Kontor. I even got to chat with the people behind some of the city’s most fabulous decor and floral arrangements and asked them about this year’s holiday decor trends.

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in Berlin, Berlin Food

Japanese Green Tea 101 in Berlin

Tea tends to play a special part in my life. I drink it daily and it basically helped me cure my dependence on coffee to fully function. While I haven’t encountered a tea I couldn’t drink, I’d have to admit that my favourite has to be green tea – preferably sencha. Recently, I was lucky enough to be invited to a green tea tasting event here in Berlin. Naturally, I couldn’t say no.

My friend Yuka also helped organise the said event which gave a platform to three Japanese organic tea farmers. This, so that they can bring their premium tea to Germany. These three farms – Shizuoka’s Suruga Tengu, Ishikawa Seicha from Aichi, and Kyoto’s Azuma Tea Farm – produce some of the highest quality tea in Japan. They’re so good, not everyone can get their hands on them and they’re even pretty hard to get within their country.

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in Berlin, Berlin Tips, Berlin What to Do, Berlin Where to Go, Expat Life

Relax in the City: SpaSphere (Berlin)

I’m a city girl through and through. People who know me personally can attest to that. I just love the hustle and bustle – the excitement and energy a big city generates. However, I won’t deny that it can get pretty taxing sometimes. The excitement and physical strain of daily living can actually wear you down. Living in Berlin for over a year now, I find that even though this city is not as busy as Manila or Kuala Lumpur, the constant moving around that I do (even in awful weather) can still be exhausting. What really saves the day for me, though, is a spot of relaxation within my week – either at home or at a spa. Germany is big on spa culture and I’ve written about it before. This time, I’ll be telling you about another spa that I recently visited that has left a really good impression with me: SpaSphere.

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