Once again, this site has taken a back seat due to a major development in our life. As you already know based on the title, we got a dog! After months and months of searching for the perfect pup, we finally found our little Juancho the Corgi. It took ages to find a puppy that was perfect for us and was also available. Puppies get snapped up so quickly here in our side of the world that it felt like I was on another Berlin apartment search.
I’ve always wanted a corgi. The choice of this breed was both emotional and practical. Practical because of his size. Emotional because this was the breed that I’ve always wanted and for the longest time, all I’ve been doing on Instagram is stalking corgi pages and sending their cute photos and videos to my husband. Corgi fever was a little too real in this marriage.
We finally found a puppy a week before my birthday. So, Juancho is technically my birthday gift this year – he’s actually the best one I’ve gotten ever. While I’ve never been materialistic, I think having Juancho in our lives trumps any type of gift I could have asked my husband and family for. (Thanks, everyone! Kisses!)
Juancho the Corgi Comes to Berlin
We picked up Juancho in a small town near Koblenz. The journey was long and driving to and fro in one day was out of the question. Thankfully, Juancho did so well on the train ride back. He’s now four months old so we officially have a toddler at home. Okay, so he’s 5 years old in human years but that’s still a toddler, right? No? I love dogs more than children anyway. 😛

At Juancho’s former family home before we picked him up.
Since he arrived, I’ve become a morning person and have been so focused on training him. My Netflix binges took a pause for some dog training videos on Youtube. A week into the training, Juancho now knows his name and how to ‘sit’ when told. Thankfully, he’s already potty trained when we got him so we only had minimal pee accidents when he arrived and pooping is always done outside.
He’s slowly adjusting to city life but still gets distracted a lot. Berlin, as a city, can be quite distracting with all the things happening at once. So I’m being very patient with this.
The Right Stuff for Your Puppy
Before getting our puppy, I made sure to do my research as to what I should get him to make him feel at home right away. I’d like to share some of those items that have been truly helpful. My mom friends agree – puppies are like babies and they can be a money black hole.
I’ve had dogs all my life and even had some with my husband when we were still based in Manila. My mother in law fell in love with our dogs and she took them all in. This made me sad but it had to be done. While our posting in Kuala Lumpur was truly lovely, most condominiums don’t allow dogs due to the predominantly Muslim population. While I disagree with their view on dogs, I thought it would be better to leave ours in Manila. As visitors, we didn’t want to appear disrespectful or inconsiderate to the beliefs of the majority in the country we will get posted in.
Two years and 10 months in Malaysia and a little over a year in Berlin without a pet makes the whole process feel like new again. I have to keep restraining myself from buying things that I like but Juancho won’t really need. Here, I’ll be listing down the items that I believe are truly essential when getting a puppy. This, so you don’t end up buying unnecessary items that will cost you more money and take up valuable real estate within your apartment.
Transport Crate
Now, this is something you will definitely use right away. Wherever it is that you are picking up your puppy, you’d really benefit from having a transport crate with you. Plus, trainers and breeders say they often feel a lot safer in one especially since dogs are denning animals. I love this one from Karlie that also comes with wheels to make transport easier. We got a smaller one from German pet supply brand Trixie but Juancho outgrew it in just a week – no kidding. I got a bigger one for future travel use from another dog owner here in Berlin. Her Rottweiler quickly outgrew this crate as well. In the end, I got a sturdy crate for such a good price. Oh, and I found her via Facebook Marketplace. That’s such a nifty , new feature!
If your dog travelled quite far with the crate, he may even form an attachment to it. So, make sure it has a blanket inside in case he feels like sleeping in there instead of the dog bed you got him. Don’t worry, you can always show him that the dog bed is better a few days later so as you don’t change way too many things around him in one go.
Juancho’s former family gave us a care package for him when we picked him up and that already included a leash. A long, sturdy, rope-type leash is something you definitely need. Despite Berlin being one of the most dog-friendly places in the world, most places in the city would still require you to put your dog on a leash – even when they are trained to follow you around.
I think this Ruffwear turquoise, rope-type leash is so pretty. It looks sturdy too! I’m pretty sure it would look and work great during treks around Grunewald. It’s got that active-lifestyle vibe going on.
This Flexi retractable leash is something that I bought even before Juancho arrived. Mine comes in turquoise and black, though. This one, I use for walks in the city – especially when we’re just going to Kurfürstendamm. I like how I can just use the slider to make the leash longer or shorter. It’s so convenient.
You’re also going to need a place where you can attach your puppy’s details in case – God forbid – he gets lost. This cute collar from Ruffwear goes so well with the turquoise leash above. The colours are pretty and you can easily attach a cute nameplate for your puppy. Juancho also got a collar in his care package but if ever need another one or feel the need to change things up a bit, this will be the first on my list.
Notice I didn’t say that the collar is something you can attach your leash on in the last item? It’s because I’m not so fond of pulling dogs by the neck in case they get too excited and try to cross the street before the Ampelmann turns green. I prefer using harnesses during walks. Since he’s still a puppy, we’re still using a thin harness for Juancho. Also because it’s summer and I don’t want him getting too warm.
This blue harness from Petcomer is just adorable. It also has some reflective material on it in case you have way too much fun on your walk and you get caught by nightfall.
This adorable pet blanket from Pawz Road would look cute in any crate or draped over any pet bed in your home. I love how it’s pretty, fun, and colourful without being too loud. I even want it for myself.
The Kong
There will be times when your dog needs some entertaining but you’re just not available. Like, right now for me. As I type this, Juancho is busy and happy that I’m ignoring him. All thanks to the Kong. We had a blue, puppy version in his care package but that is also getting way too small for him so it looks like I’m getting him the classic within the week.
I love stuffing Juancho’s Kong with his dry food mixed with a couple of treats. Some say dogs love peanut butter and would make the play with the Kong longer. However, that’s something I still have to try. Maybe I will wait for when he’s a little older. Right now, we’re not giving him anything else other than his dry and wet food to stay on the safe side.
Grooming Glove
Corgis have double coats which make them weather and dirt resistant but the catch is they are heavy shedders. Ever saw that meme that says Corgis shed enough to make another Corgi? It’s true. Juancho’s still a puppy but when I’m wearing dark clothing, there’s no way it won’t catch some of the hair. I try to lessen the shedding by brushing him every day with the glove that came in the care package. It looks exactly like this Oneisall Grooming Glove:
This side with all the bristles is to catch all the loose fur and the other is to make the coat shiny. Juancho loves getting brushed with this glove. The bristles are not pointy and I’m pretty sure it somehow feels like a soothing massage.
Feeding Bowls
Of course, you’ll need bowls for feeding and letting your pup drink water. It’s best to get something that’s got rubber on the bottom side to keep it from sliding. Also, I prefer stainless steel bowls like these ones from Amazon Basics – mostly because they are easier to clean. I also have two others that are still in stainless steel and come with a light blue coating on its outer area for water.
Dog Intelligence Toy
I put part of Juancho’s meal in this Dog Intelligence Toy from Tchibo. It helps with training him to ‘work’ for his food and to make him a lot smarter in the long run. Also, it’s pretty fun for us dog parents to watch him finish the puzzle. I do have high expectations on my fur-baby. I’m Asian, I can’t help it.
Another toy I like from Tchibo is a dental care toy that my friend Myls gifted Juancho. It’s really durable and he enjoys playing with it so much.
Puppy Food
Always ask what food your puppy has been on before you pick him up. Juancho’s former family told us that it is best to transition him to something different slowly. Changing his food all of a sudden may leave him with an upset tummy. So far, he’s happy with his kibble (Royal Canin Puppy Medium) so we don’t see a need to change him until he leaves puppyhood.
As a tip: Buy your kibble in bulk. It’s always cheaper to do so and a lot more convenient. It’s such a hassle if you run out of food and your puppy is hungry. Going on quick run to the pet store and lugging a big bag with you can be a huge hassle.
This is definitely something you need when you’re training your dog using positive reinforcement. It also helps make him more relaxed in your new home. Vitakraft’s Boony Bits came with Juancho’s care package (along with chewable lamb ears and other treats) and I find it so convenient for training because they come in the perfect size. I also use Pedigree’s DentaStix to help calm him down at night when it’s almost time for bed and he’s still a little too playful. It also cleans his teeth so it’s a win-win.
Dog Poo Bags
After all the kibble and treats, your dog will eventually poop. Please be a responsible dog owner and pick up after your dog. Always have poo bags with you when you bring your puppy out. Don’t just leave it on the street.
You can even get fined if an inspector sees you with your dog and finds out you don’t have poo bags on you. You’ve been warned. Though, if you’re someone who doesn’t pick up after your dog, you really do deserve it. These Amazon Basics Poo Bags even come with a handy case to make poop pick up convenient.
If you’d like a Biodegradable option, there’s one from Smug Pets that can help you show some love to mother nature. And no, dog poop is not fertilizer when it’s on the pavement. Stop making hippie excuses.
Water Bottles
When going out for a walk, a puppy can get very thirsty. And while Berlin is littered with shops who would love to offer your dog a drink, it might be hard to find one when you most need it. Murphy’s Law, people. Murphy’s Law.
Juancho really likes this Dog Drinking Bottle To-Go from Tchibo. We first got one from Fressnapf and it worked well at first but I think his snout got a little too wide for that one quickly and we had to change.
Wet Wipes
Juancho’s paws get wiped everytime he enters the apartment. I also do a quick wipe down of his belly which hangs low and close to the ground and his major ‘exits’ just to make sure he doesn’t bring in too many germs.
I know, Juancho is a dog and I shouldn’t expect him to be as clean as I am. Thank you, Mr Judgy Hippie but I will do this my way since he also appears to like being cleaned up after an outdoor jaunt. I will admit that I’m eternally thankful for that double coat which keeps me from bringing him into the shower with me daily.
Anti-Chew Spray
At four months, Juancho is at his teething stage and it looks like I’ve got about three more months to go. To save our furniture which my husband and I lovingly handpicked for our home, we make sure to spray them with something that would keep Juancho’s teeth away. He has enough chew toys from his former family so he doesn’t need my coffee table’s legs. This one from Natural Rapport is a natural formula that won’t harm our fur-babies.
Carpet Cleaner and Odor Eliminator
For those pee accidents you just won’t be able to avoid no matter how focused you are on your training, there’s this spray from Simple Solution. My husband and I are very particular about how our home smells. Aside from our intense need to keep our home tidy, we require it to smell good.
Having a puppy makes that a wee bit more challenging. I’ve been hoovering more often and spraying this over any fabric/carpet type surface in the areas Juancho gets to go to so that apartment still smells fresh 24/7. Windows are also kept open (thank goodness for summer) and my home deodorizers and scents are on hand and working hard. Juancho prefers lavender, btw.
Indoor Poo and Pee Contraption
Everyone says puppy pads are evil because they confuse your puppy into relieving himself into anything with a soft surface. So why not get something that feels like the outdoors? Juancho is getting better at holding everything together till we go out but he’s still young and I don’t want to be too complacent.
If you’re someone who lives in a high rise, I think this Dog Litter Box with Artifical Grass would be perfect. I’m on a relatively high floor (Berlin Alt-Bau standards) so it takes time to get to the nearest grassy patch and when Juancho needs to go pee-pee, this could be a good alternative. This maybe not something you need right away but something to consider.
Puppy Shampoo & Deodorant
Because a dog needs a bath. Don’t believe what the extremists are telling you! True, they don’t need to go everyday – but still, they need a bath every now and then. Wash your dog. Please.
We only did it once since he arrived and he seemed to enjoy the warm water and getting a ‘massage’. With this, a good puppy shampoo is your BFF This one from I <3 Pet Head smells divine.
For non-bath days but your pup is in need of a freshness boost, I highly recommend the Animology APF250 Puppy Fresh Refreshing Spray. Juancho used to get confused with the spray but now, he loves it. I spray it over his belly and his back and I use the grooming glove to distribute the fragrance. This one has B5 and built in conditioner so it doesn’t dry out the natural oils in his glorious coat.
There you have it! My (and Juancho’s) top picks for your new puppy. Did I miss something you think should be on this list? Let me know in the comments as I’d love to learn new things from other pet owners too!
More later.