Hello, blog! I’ve missed you! Do you still remember your owner? 😭 Goodness, I feel like such a bad mother abandoning this space just like that for a few weeks.
Life happened again. Surprise, surprise. I am notorious when it comes to spreading myself too thin and it’s my blog that usually suffers first. My apologies, blog. Mommy loves you! I’ve been away cos of all my work as a freelancer (did you read my Forbes article on Vivy Yusof yet?) and because of something exciting that my friends and I are working on. 🙊You guys may get news of what it is by tomorrow so do stay tuned. 😉
But wait! This blogpost’s purpose is not about me making excuses! (Even though I start most of my posts with that.) It is, however, about something that’s also quite exciting as well – but we’re gonna be hopping off to the skin care department for this one. 😉

I’m here today to talk about The Face Shop‘s latest offerings for people like me who are deathly afraid of premature skin ageing. I’m now in my late 20s and the big 3-o is coming in just a couple of years. Before I hit that age, I would like to be fully prepared, thank you very much! Enter – The Therapy range!
It’s The Face Shop‘s line wherein science meets nature. It uses a European formula that contains 135 hand-blended recipes that vary in botanical ingredients. You’re basically purchasing history right there.
They sent me two products to try and I’m gonna be giving you a quick lowdown on each:
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