The road to flawless skin can be a tricky and full of side trips when you’re living in a tropical country. It’s hot and extremely humid which makes caring for your skin throughout the day a bit of a nightmare. Even my dry-as-a-desert skin is starting to show a few signs of wear and tear. Of course, that’s enough to send my personal alarm system into overdrive. Great skin is always on top of my list after all. :-S
One thing I also noticed recently was how I can now see some of the pores on my nose which were practically invisible before. Thankfully, they still haven’t reached a monstrous size as of the moment but that’s enough for me to consider trying to prevent any further damage to my skin.
I also noticed blackheads as well as whiteheads popping out on my nose and chin. This resulted to a nasty habit of picking them out using a metal tool used by dermatologists. I know, I know. I shouldn’t be doing this to myself as I might damage my skin more but my OCD kicks in when it comes to my skin. One little ‘irregularity’ and I fuss and worry like crazy.
The problem with picking out your black/whiteheads by yourself – aside from the fact that it hurts like a b*tch – is that you might end up with bigger pores that are left open, making it vulnerable to dirt and new blackheads. Eeep! You wouldn’t want to be trapped in such a vicious cycle.
Thank goodness for products that will actually help me break this bad habit by actually doing the job for me. Who doesn’t want tight, almost-invisible pores anyway?
Laneige, a Korean brand that I’ve always trusted since it was introduced to me here in KL, recently launched the new Mini Pore Range which contains products that will clean, tighten, and make sure you’re looking flawless all day!
Let’s start with the reviews, shall we? 😉
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