I often relate makeup milestones to Pringles and chocolate. The moment you start eating/doing it, it becomes quite hard to stop yourself.
I remember back when I was in college. I never shaded my brows. I just let them be as they had this normal, natural shape. But once I got around to using a brow pencil, a spoolie brush, and some brow gel, the rest was history. Damn, that 1950s eye brow arch. I just gotta have it on all the time! In fact, I can never go out or be seen by actual human beings without my brows on fleek (as one of my favourite Youtubers would say).
Back then, I wasn’t into concealer as well since I’ve always had skin that’s on the clearer side. But after I saw a makeup artist use concealer under my eyes and to put some shade on some areas of my face which looked perfectly fine before, I knew I was never going to live without concealer anymore. It’s like, you never know something wrong is going on until someone else actually points it out! However, this drives my husband nuts when I tell him I have to cover up some stuff on my face and he’s always like â ‘What are you talking about? There’s nothing there!’
But alas, my eyes have become very critical even to the minutest of details. And here I go again, going off point. What was I supposed to talk about? Ah, highlighter. Like my brow and concealer story, I was also late to the party when it comes to contouring and highlighting. In fact, there was a time when I would contour my face and totally forego the highlighter. YES. UGH. Weird times.
But then, Benefit Cosmetics popped my highlighter cherry by giving me a sample of Watt’s Up as a gift with purchase (GWP) and it totally changed my life! I’m exaggerating. But it did drastically change my makeup routine!
I’ve been pretty loyal to Watt’s Up and cream highlighters but with all the peer pressure (and by peer, I mean Youtube beauty vloggers) I’ve been getting, I decided to try out The Balm’s Mary Lou Manizer. Everyone’s talking about it so I might as see what the fuss is all about.
The first time I picked it up in Sasa, my first thought was: ‘Damn, this packaging is seriously cute!’ I love vintage fashion and I love pin-up girls so The Balm totally got their packaging right in my opinion. đ

The compact is round and quite big but it fits perfectly on one’s hand. It’s packed with 8.5 grams of the product so it will practically last you forever.
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