So I’ve been going on and on recently about how there have been so many changes in my lifestyle recently and how it’s been affecting my skin. It’s been a gruelling couple of months due to these changes but now that it’s gotten a lot better, I’m happy to share with you the details on how I got through them!
So just a couple of months ago, I decided to go off the pill. I’ve been taking it for years and I knew I have to give my hormones some well deserved rest from being manipulated. It’s just not right to be on it for too long.
Note: Please don’t get too excited on the possible pregnancy front as we’re in no hurry ourselves. In fact, I was told by the doctor that it will take a while before my hormones rebalance themselves so it can take months to over a year before I get pregnant – if I was ever destined to be a mom at that. If I’m not, that’s also fine. We’re just letting things happen if they’re meant to be. 😉 Although to be honest, I really hope it gets delayed a wee bit more (if it’s really bound to happen for us) since there are a couple more changes coming soon that will make me even busier than I already am. Why am I oversharing again?! Ok, back to the topic of this post.
So along with the rebalancing of my hormones came the dreaded breakouts. Eeeep! Before going on the pill, I’ve never had any major problem with my skin as it’s always been between dry/normal. No problems during the pill either. So when I stopped and my hormones went haywire, I ended up with dry/sensitive skin that even gave me an oily T-zone every now and then. I just didn’t know what to do! My chin and the lower part of my cheeks were peppered with zits.
People who knew me from before found this hard to believe but it did happen and I have photos to prove it.
My husband would argue that it isn’t that bad, and I would normally give him an annoyed retort about how it’s the worst case I’ve ever had – thus, the panic. Although I do appreciate him trying to make me feel better. But really – all I wanted was for my skin to go back to its original state.
I’ve tried a lot of products but once a zit dries up, two more would pop out. It’s like battling Hydra, I tell you.
I went to Dr Gan of Ido’s Clinic in Kota Damansara for a consultation. He’s friendly and really puts you at ease. He also gives you recommendations and options you can go for to tackle your concerns. It’s like talking to a friend. If it went any longer, I may have told him about our dogs and my birthday plans. But seriously though – he did wonders on my skin that day!
Laser Facial
This treatment wasn’t just to get rid of my angry, red pimples but to refresh my skin as well.
My face was thoroughly cleaned by one of the clinic’s friendly nurses. She massaged my face and made that bit such an enjoyable process. I almost fell asleep!
Next, Dr Gan came in to do the treatment. No photos, sadly as I was so excited that I forgot to ask one of the nurses to take some! But here’s how it went:
Dr Gan fired up the machine and we waited for it to heat up. Just a couple of minutes was all it took. During the wait, Dr Gan was helping me feel at ease. I was told that the laser may feel prickly on my skin.
I have pretty high pain tolerance. I have tattoos and piercings after all.
When Dr Gan started the treatment by pointing a pen-like device towards my skin to guide the laser, I was surprised that it actually felt like a little rubber band being flicked on to my skin. Not that it’s intolerable. I guess I was just caught a bit off guard. It’s not a walk in the park but it’s not something you cannot endure. After a while, it also gets less and less painful.
During the treatment, I could smell something burning and Dr Gan told me not to worry. It’s not my flesh burning off but my facial hair. The laser’s also attacking my hair follicles which later on made my facial hair white/translucent. I was then told that what doesn’t fall off that day will fall off in a week.
Awesome! That’s a really great bonus, isn’t it?
Since I have the most facial hair on my upper lip, that was the most uncomfortable part. Yes, even if they’re very fine hair.
I’ve never waxed or threaded my upper lip area before cos the hair was never really noticeable but I don’t mind losing them either since it will make my skin in that area brighter.
The whole treatment lasted for just a couple of minutes and doing my upper lip area lasted for just a few seconds so the rubber band flicking type of pain was no biggie.

Excuse the bags, didn’t sleep much the night before. 😉
After the treatment, a cooling mask infused with botanical extracts, anti-oxidants, and multi-Vitamins was applied on my face by one of the nurses. It’s a cooling and hydrating mask to refresh the skin since the treatment can be quite drying due to the laser’s heat. I got to relax nap for 20 minutes while waiting for it to do its magic.
The Laser Facial doesn’t have down time so my skin didn’t look red or puffy after. Which I love! If I wanted to, I could have put on some makeup as well – no problem. One thing I don’t like about normal facials are the rules that come with it after. Don’t wear makeup. Don’t wash your face for four hours. Etc. Etc.
Right after they finished the treatment, my skin felt tight and refreshed. It was also definitely smoother compared to when I came in that morning and the zits that I had were dry!
A week later, here’s how my skin looked like:
They’re all healed! The marks will definitely be gone in few days or maybe another round of lasers will do the trick and banish them completely. I’m so happy!
My skin is also a lot brighter and the pores that recently opened up on the T-zone area are now back to being small!
The Laser Facial is also meant to stimulate production of collagen and my skin is feeling quite bouncy after it.
I went home with Medkare skin care products that I got from them as well and I’ve been using the range for my morning skin care routine and they’ve been so helpful! A review will be coming up, definitely.
Just in case you missed my previous posts, Ido’s Clinic also worked on my Sumuzu hair removal treatment for my under arms a couple of months ago! You can read all about it here:
(RELATED POST: Sumuzu Hair Removal Treatment at Ido’s Clinic)
And since I loved the effects of the Sumuzu treatment for my underarms, I went back and had my legs done too!
You can visit Ido’s Clinic Kota Damansara at:
No.16-G, Jalan PJU 5/9, Dataran Sunway, Kota Damansara, 47810, Selangor.
Tel: 017-486 1992
Operation Hours:
Monday – Saturday: 10am – 8pm
Sunday & Public Holiday: 10am – 6pm
For their other branches, click here.
That’s all for now guys. Will be back for more updates soon.
More later.
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