Totally loving Ziaja’s Phytoaktiv Cleansing Milk!
I’m crazy about beauty, skin care products, and makeup. I don’t know if that’s already obvious but just in case people haven’t figured that out yet, I just wanna put it out there. đ
I have this habit of changing my cleanser, moisturiser, and toner every couple of months. I was told by a dermatologist once that it is important to keep your skin on your toes and keep it from eventually becoming immune to products. She told me that using the exact same product over and over again reduces its effectivity on your skin. I’ve been following that advice for years and I am happy to report that my naturally dry skin is still very much clear and has never had a massive breakout â ever. (Just in case you are wondering, I apply the same principle to my hair. I change our shampoo and conditioner every couple of months as well.)
For my birthday last June, my friend Michaela got me Ziaja skincare products â the Phytoaktiv Cleansing Milk and their Argan Oil Moisturiser (I’ve been going through an Argan Oil addiction phase). I haven’t gotten around to using the moisturiser as I have yet to finish my current product. So for now, I’ll be reviewing the cleanser.
Ziaja is a Polish brand known for producing “pharmaceuticals and high-quality cosmetics based on natural ingredients for face, body and hair care”.

This 200ml bottle can last you for over 2 months (I still haven’t finished my bottle after opening it on June 25)
My friend knows me well, it seems, as the Phytoaktiv Cleansing Milk eventually became one of my favourite cleansers of all time. Here’s why:
- Have makeup? No problem. The product doubles as a makeup remover!
- One of its main ingredients is Vitamin E which I’m sure you know does wonders for the skin
- It helps moisturise your skin. A great plus for girls like me who are born with dry skin! Go away, wrinkles! đ
- It’s very mild. Great for sensitive skin.
- It contains dilated capillaries that can help “strengthen the elasticity of your capillary walls”
Capillary walls, capillary walls. Why does that sound so familiar, you say? Three words: Under. Eye. Circles.
Ugh! The bane of every woman with deep set eyes’ existence. My eyes are kinda deep set and have a tendency to look tired and sleepless due to eye bags. So I take extra care of them.

Back label
The skin under the eyes is very sensitive so most dermatologists would advise against rubbing it.(Though I must admit that I rub my eyes a lot. Bad habit!) When you rub the skin under your eyes, you end up breaking capillaries, causing blood to leak through your capillary walls. The blood will then pool underneath your eyes and cause the skin to darken.
So not only does this product clean the skin after a long day, it also helps in repairing the capillaries I might have damaged. Hah!
Directions for use:Â Massage the cleansing milk onto your skin. Do it gently. When you feel like your skin’s been throughly cleared of dirt and makeup (I normally massage for about 1 and a half to 2 minutes), wipe the product off with tissue or cotton pads.

Consistency: As the name suggests, it’s similar to milk â though a wee bit thicker
The cons of the product:
- It’s not locally available here in Malaysia (though if you’re in Manila, you can get it from Beauty Bar!)
- Yes, it can double up as a makeup remover but only when you’re wearing light makeup. Don’t expect it to get your cream eyeshadow and gel eyeliner off without a fight. I personally use makeup remover wipes prior to using the cleansing milk just to soften up the makeup.
All in all, I give it a 8.5/10. It’s a good plus to my fight against pre-mature skin ageing and embracing improved skin elasticity. I will definitely purchase another bottle if it ever comes to Malaysia. Hello, Sephora? Care to carry some Ziaja products? I would be very grateful! đ
More later.