I figured it’s rather timely to post these while the book fair is still ongoing – just so people who love books as much as I do can still make their way to Bookfest @ Malaysia 2014.
It’s the first day of Hari Raya (Eid al-Fitr) and here in Malaysia, it means that everyone gets to have a long weekend. No work until Tuesday for most people as our Muslim brothers and sisters celebrate the end of Ramadan and break their fast.
We had a long day today – we (along with other people from the Embassy) visited the house of the Ambassador’s chauffeur (he’s a loyal employee and has been with the Embassy here for decades) to celebrate Hari Raya with him and his family. It was nice to be exposed to their religion’s traditions which, I must admit, seemed really foreign to me prior to coming here.
And it was so heartwarming to see how his family is so tight-knit and are happy to see each other during the holidays. It’s like Christmas back at home but without alcohol and a bit more quiet. After that, my husband’s colleagues from the Embassy decided that we all drop by the Batu Caves (as it was only 5 minutes away) before going home. But I will write more about that next time. After the Batu Caves, we went home for a nap, caught the Philippine President’s State of the Nation Address via live streaming, then went to the book fair to check it out.
We weren’t disappointed. The Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre was filled with books and people trying to get their hands on the titles they wanted. The best part about the book fair? All the books are on sale – some with even massive discounts. Here are some photos from the fair:

The halls in the ground floor were divided into two – the Chinese and English sections.

In the English section, there were lots of contemporary best sellers. From Dan Brown to John Green. There were also cookbooks, reference materials, art, design, and even self-help.

The Kane Chronicles, Rick Riordan’s series on Egypt mythology, is being sold at the fair for 25% off

A lot of Young Adult (YA) books are available.

Nancy Drew titles are being sold in packs of 8 at RM12 (Php 163.98, US3.78, EUR2.81)

Oh, and did I mention that there were a LOT of people?

Oh, hello there literary rockstar. 😉

There’s a good collection of titles from Neil Gaiman. There was no copy of Stardust in sight, though. I hope it’s sold out. More people need to read that book. It’s just so beautiful.

Alvin and I’s usual bookstore haunt: The history/war/current events section. So happy that there were a lot of good books!

Have I mentioned that there were a LOT of good books that I’m dying to read?

There’s an area dedicated to comics – from your favourite Marvel heroes down to your choice of Manga.

Music and movies are also being sold – from vinyls to Blu-rays.

There are also vintage collectibles like these which are pretty popular here in KL.

Art materials and even Paint Art (a company that sells a canvas with a pattern which will make painting easier for you) have stalls inside the fair as well.

There are also toys, knick-knacks, and other collectibles. I’ve been eyeing these pretty miniatures. They’re cute aren’t they? But I just have nowhere to put them yet.
While the ground floor (Halls 1-5) houses the books that are for sale, a part of the fair called ‘The Lifestyle Section’ is also housed on the 3rd floor. It’s where you can buy gadgets, office and art supplies, as well as trinkets and even more collectibles.

Here’s Friedrich Staedtler, famous pencil craftsman from the 1600s (if I’m not mistaken) making ‘old-school’ pencils for the fair-goers.

Did I mention earlier that there were toys? No? Oh, there are. Kawaii ones at that. 😉

Hello, Doraemon!

Faber Castell, in my humble opinion, is one of the best makers of coloured pencils in the market today. Been a fan since I was a kid.
We ended the day with some takeout that we got from Suria, brought everything home and had a cosy dinner – just the two of us. Here’s a photo of our mini haul from today:

All of these for RM67 (Php915.56, US21.11, EUR15.70).
We got the Dan Browns for my husband as he likes fast paced books. I’ve read Digital Fortress before as well as all other Dan Brown titles except for Deception Point so I might pick it up after he’s done with it. Both Digital Fortress and Deception Point were sold at RM12 each (Php163.98, US3.78, EUR2.81).
I Used to Know That (World History) was also priced at RM12 (Php163.98, US3.78, EUR2.81) and I knew I just had to get it. The history nerd in me was demanding it. It’s basically a fast facts book that tackles the most important parts of world history. Perfect when you want to refresh your memory or when you’re trying to remember who the first female pharaoh was. It’s Hatshepsut, by the way. Yes, I’m showing off.
Mansfield Park was a book that I read when I was 7 years old. I got it from my school library and I think it’s high time I get my own copy. A steal at RM3 (Php41.00, US0.95, EUR0.70).
United States: An Illustrated History. Again, the history nerd strikes. No other explanation needed. Hah. Got it for RM15 (Php204.98, US4.73, EUR3.52)
Atlas of Military History – a gift to my husband which I bought then and there. Just because. I bought it for RM15 (Php204.98, US4.73, EUR3.52) but it shall be considered as conjugal property because I want to read it too. Many interesting battles are mentioned here – some of them happened in the Philippines.
Some tips for going to the fair:
- Take public transportation. We witnessed a long cue towards the parking area at KLCC today.
- Eat before going and bring some water. You will get dizzy inside easily with all the people.
- Bring a canvas bag (or maybe even a small trolley) if you plan to shop. Books can be heavy!
The book fair started last 25 July and will run until 3 August. They have a pretty good selection there so I am sure anybody will find something they will like. Though I was a tad disappointed that they didn’t have Inside the Red Border: A history of our world, told through the pages of TIME magazine. I’ve been dying to get that book – preferably discounted as it’s a bit pricey. I’m kuripot (a cheapskate) like that.
An entrance fee of RM2.50 (Php34.16, US0.79, EUR0.59) will get you in and they will also give you a catalogue so you can plan your purchases and you can check which ones are available or will be included in their Daily Specials board for further discounts.

2014 Book Fest Catalogue.
If you’re into charity, the organisers will also give you a chance to donate. You can buy 4 bookmarks for RM10 (Php136.53, US3.15, EUR2.34) and a portion of that amount will go to Popular Bookstore’s (the bookstore chain behind the book fair) Read On, Dream On campaign.

Cute, aren’t they?
Bookfest @ Malaysia 2014 is currently happening at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC).
It is located at: Jalan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
For the map, click here.
It is open from 10am to 10pm.
Entrance fee is RM2.50 (Php34.16, US0.79, EUR0.59) per person, per day.